Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Weekly Task List - Assignments Due week of 9/21

Weekly Task List

• Night (pp 27-51)
• Answer questions based on Night reading (SEE BELOW)
• Read articles on the death penalty entitled, "Death Decisions" and "Working for Alternatives to the Death Penalty" answer questions and do vocabulary
• Rewrite of Born Evil essay based on peer’s and your own comments --- include first draft with the two rubrics - 1) the rubric your peer used 2) the rubric you used to edit your own work

No class!

Night questions pages 27-51

Directions: Please answer the questions in complete sentences. Use your own words, do not copy directly from the text. Type out your answers

What had Mrs. Schachter foreseen that actually happened when they arrived in Birkenau?

Why were Wiesel and his father told to change their ages when they entered the concentration camp?

Who were the Kapos? (you can look up on the internet who exactly the were if it’s unclear from the book)

Why does Weisel lie to Stein about how his family is doing?

Why did Weisel have to go to the dentist at the concentration camp?

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