Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blog Discussion on article, "Neither Man nor Rat Can Properly Fold Laundry"

Read the article, “Neither Man nor Rat Can Properly Fold Laundry,” and answer question 1 in In Your Own Words on the blog: Write at least 7-9 sentences.

Then respond to two student’s posts, stating your opinion of their post, explaining whether you agree or disagree, or adding on to their ideas. Write at least 5-7 sentences for each post. Remember to edit your work before posting!!


  1. After reading the article, even though Barry does over state his case, I have to say that I agree with him. But at the same time I disagree. In my experiences now-a-days, sometimes men will get rowdy for no reason and sometimes they don’t. It goes the same way with the females. When I do see men and women who act that way, I call them ignorant. If someone is ready to fight over a bump while walking then they’re just ignorant. It’s showing that they have nothing else better to do with themselves but fight for stupid things like being bumped while walking. People like this have no life so they turn to ignorance and stupidity.

  2. When two men bump each other they do want to exchange some words then they end up fighting. But some of the men just say sorry to each other and then they forget about it. But it depends on how the other person is, and it depends on if the two men had problems with each other. if they had problems with each other before then they will not say sorry or anything to each other they would just start to fight.

    If two women bump each other they will say sorry to each other. But as far as going shopping after they do, that I have not seen. Some women don’t hold grudges. Woman just ignores whatever it’s that is going on. But some woman would get smart with you just to start trouble and show other people that they don’t take any mess from nobody.

  3. Yes I think that men and women are different. Why because they can’t do what men can do and men can’t do what women can do. God just made us different we weren’t made to be the same. We was mad with different moods like females get mad real fast. They sit around and talk about people that’s all they do is run their lips lol. Some jobs a man can do but a woman cant that’s just the way we was mad its life so get use to it. Because if I pick up something that’s really heavy and a female picks it up to then to me she’s a man inside.

  4. Men and women are all the same. The fact’s that bob gave aren’t really strong and don’t really happen like he explained to males and females. Males might respond different than females. But females do also fight over nothing just like males. Males will fight over a bet or an argument to prove that they are right. Males don’t give looks or talk they just go straight to the point and bang. Girls will do the same thing but different then boys. They will give that look start yelling and giving an attitude and they think they the world. After all that the girls will fight. Males and females are the same way but they just take a different approach to problems.

  5. hey buck: yes god did make us diff, but men and women to day are swapping roles. some women are stronger than men, and can do whatever they do. then there are some guys who gossip all day like they're in a contest. i've seen both.

  6. hey marzenakrystain: i agree with you 100 men goes straight into fighting while women have to drad it out.

  7. hey cherry: u right some guys do gossip but them are they ones that want to be girls

  8. dear cherry i agree with your blog about men and women. both males and females get rowdy i agree with that. buttttt i dont agree with what you said to my man buck that women are exchanging roles and doing things that men are doing.women cant do half the things that men cant do. and men dont act like women thats a def not.

  9. Sharif,

    You should be writing longer posts in response to students. Try 5-7 sentences.

    Professor O'Gara

  10. I guess that writer is not trying to highlight the idea of differentiating between men and women, but was criticizing the new psychology breakthrough which is : men and women are different. I mean it is obvious that men and women are not the same, there is no need to do studies and stuff to highlight such an information. This is why he made fun of them by giving such sarcastic examples, comparing human to rats, inviting psychologists to the Halloween party in his neighborhood to state their studies concerning this topic, and the silliest part of all folding the laundry.
    He was mocking them.
