Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Assignments Due Week of October 7th


· HCCC Practice Reading and Writing Exam # 1
· Night (pp 76-97)
· Answer questions based on Night reading (see below)



Read the article, “Neither Man nor Rat Can Properly Fold Laundry,” and answer question 1 in In Your Own Words on the blog: Write at least 7-9 sentences. Then respond to two student’s posts, stating your opinion of their post, explaining whether you agree or disagree, or adding on to their ideas. Write at least 5-7 sentences for each post. Remember to edit your work before posting!!

Answer Comprehension Checkup (type please) and In Your Own Words number 2 (type) in “Neither Man nor Rat Can Properly Fold Laundry”

Final Draft of the Born Evil Essay – be sure you rewrite your introduction based on class notes and discussion.

Night Questions pages 76-97
Directions: Please answer the questions in complete sentences. Use your own words, do not copy directly from the text. Type out your answers

Reread page 77 starting with “Poor Akiba Drumer, if only he could,” to the next paragraph “he was doomed from the start offering his neck to the executioner”. What does Wiesel believe happens when you lose faith?
Why does Wiesel need an operation?
What country was the Red Army from?
Why did Wiesel and his father decide not to stay in the infirmary?
The night Wiesel ran all night with the other prisoners, what was the one reason he had the strength to keep living?
Describe what happened to Juliek and his violin.

Blog Discussion on article, "Neither Man nor Rat Can Properly Fold Laundry"

Read the article, “Neither Man nor Rat Can Properly Fold Laundry,” and answer question 1 in In Your Own Words on the blog: Write at least 7-9 sentences.

Then respond to two student’s posts, stating your opinion of their post, explaining whether you agree or disagree, or adding on to their ideas. Write at least 5-7 sentences for each post. Remember to edit your work before posting!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Assignments Due Week of 9/28

Monday (9/28)
· Night (pp 51-top of page 76)
· Answer questions based on Night reading (see below)
· Prepare for debate on death penalty using argument organizer


Textbook, Effective introductions: Read pages 278-283 and Do practice 2 on page 283.
Textbook, Thesis statement: Read bottom of page 254-257 and Do practice 6

Night (pp 51-top of page 76)
Directions: Please answer the questions in complete sentences. Use your own words, do not copy directly from the text. Type out your answers

What happened to the dentist that wanted Wiesel’s gold teeth?

Why didn’t the French girl want people to know she spoke German?

Explain why Idek was angry at Wiesel on page 57. How does Idek punish Wiesel?

Why was the young pipel hung?

Describe what the “selection” is.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Blog topic

Today, half of the marriages end in divorce, what is your opinion of marriage? Is it good for individuals and society?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Weekly Task List - Assignments Due week of 9/21

Weekly Task List

• Night (pp 27-51)
• Answer questions based on Night reading (SEE BELOW)
• Read articles on the death penalty entitled, "Death Decisions" and "Working for Alternatives to the Death Penalty" answer questions and do vocabulary
• Rewrite of Born Evil essay based on peer’s and your own comments --- include first draft with the two rubrics - 1) the rubric your peer used 2) the rubric you used to edit your own work

No class!

Night questions pages 27-51

Directions: Please answer the questions in complete sentences. Use your own words, do not copy directly from the text. Type out your answers

What had Mrs. Schachter foreseen that actually happened when they arrived in Birkenau?

Why were Wiesel and his father told to change their ages when they entered the concentration camp?

Who were the Kapos? (you can look up on the internet who exactly the were if it’s unclear from the book)

Why does Weisel lie to Stein about how his family is doing?

Why did Weisel have to go to the dentist at the concentration camp?


Hi Class!

Welcome to our blog. This is where you will post your thoughts on readings, share your ideas on controversial issues, and communicate with your classmates without saying a word. This will also be used to keep track of your assignments. If you're missing an assignment or lost the weekly task list, check the blog for information. Students may also choose to communicate with one another if they have questions about an assignment due.