Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Link and questions to article "Modern Love"

Link to article - there are 3 pages to this article!!!:

Questions for Modern Love
Directions: Answer the questions in complete sentences.

1. What is the main idea (main ideas of the essay)? Please use the prompts below to answer the questions:






2. Why does the author agree to marry her friend?

6. Do you believe it is wrong for this woman to marry her friend for that reason? Explain.

3. Why does Ricky ask his wife (the author) if she wanted a divorce middle of page 2?

4. Why did the couple end up getting a divorce?

5. Was Ricky and the author’s marriage was a good one? Explain.

7. If you were in the author’s position would you have married your friend? Explain

Assignments Due Week of November 2

November 2 & 4
Work Due

· Read House on Mango Street 23-45 and answer questions below
· Read “Modern Love” and answer questions
· Art and House on Mango Street: be prepared to present your picture and theme of your chapter from the House on Mango Street Chapter.



· Study for quiz on commonly confused words

Questions on The House on Mango Street pages 23-45

Directions: Please answer these questions in complete sentences. Explain the answers clearly and fully. Type your answers out!


Who is Marin?
Why is she unable to leave her house?

“Those Who Don’t”

How do outsiders see Esperanza’s neighborhood? How does Esperanza feel when she visits other neighborhoods?

“There was an Old Woman She had So Many Children She Didn’t Know What To Do”

Why does Rosa Vargas cry every day?

“Alicia Who Sees Mice”

Why is Cathy’s family about to move?

“The Family of Little Feet”

6. What happens to Esperanza when she and her friends are given some cast-off shoes? How do the shoes change them? What affect do they have on men in the neighborhood?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Assignments Due Week of October 26


· Read House on Mango Street 3-22 and answer questions below
· Do “Dream Life” essay
· Inference packet


· Human rights essay and research

Questions on The House on Mango Street pages 3-22

Directions: Please answer these questions in complete sentences. Explain the answers clearly and fully. Type your answers out!

“House on Mango Street”

Where did the narrator live before she moved to the House on Mango Street? How were her previous homes different?
In what kind of house would she like to live? Does her new home live up to her expectations? Why not?


Who are the members of Esperanza’s family?

“My Name”

After whom was Esperanza named? What does her namesake’s story tell you about the status of women in Mexican society?

“Cathy Queen of Cats”

Why is Cathy’s family about to move?

“Our Good Day”

6. How does Esperanza make friends with Lucy and Rachel? What makes them better friends than Cathy?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Update on Darfur Webquest Assignment

I've pasted the article you're supposed to find for the Darfur webquest below:

Please go to the latest news section of the website and click on the article posted today, October 8, 2009, entitled, “Mbeki delivers AU Darfur report.” Read the article and answer the following questions below

Mbeki delivers AU Darfur report

10/08/09 | BBC

Former South African President Thabo Mbeki led the inquiry and delivered his findings to the AU in Ethiopia.

The bloc set up a commission after a global arrest warrant was issued for Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir, accusing him of war crimes in Darfur.

The UN says fighting in the region since 2003 has led to 300,000 deaths.

Sudanese officials say about 10,000 people died.

The BBC's Uduak Amimo, in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa where the AU's headquarters are based, says Mr Mbeki's remit of balancing the need for justice, peace and reconciliation in Darfur was a daunting one. Mr Mbeki said he would not make the document public.

But analysts say it is likely to recommend a local tribunal - backed by the AU, Sudan and possibly the Arab League - to deal with the abuses committed in Darfur.

Critics say the AU is using the commission only to find a way of avoiding the International Criminal Court (ICC) warrant for Mr Bashir's arrest - claims Mr Mbeki strongly denied.

The AU has already refused to honour the warrant and Mr Bashir has rejected the charges against him, accusing the ICC of colonialism.

Our reporter says analysts will be watching keenly to see whether the AU will accept and implement the recommendations of the commission it set up.

It comes after the UN's outgoing commander in Darfur said in August that the region was no longer in a state of war, but rather faced low-level conflict and criminality.

ICC charges

Analysts have pointed out that fighting in southern Sudan has claimed more lives this year than violence in Darfur.

The conflict in Darfur flared in 2003 when black African rebel groups took up arms against the government in Khartoum, complaining of discrimination and neglect.

Pro-government Arab militias then started a campaign of violence, targeting the black African population.

The UN says this led to some 300,000 deaths and forced more than two million people from their homes.

The US said it amounted to a genocide, but the ICC rejected a request to charge Mr Bashir with genocide.

The Sudanese government has always denied charges that it helped organise the militia attacks.

Mr Bashir has been charged by the ICC with two counts of war crimes - intentionally directing attacks against civilians and pillaging.

He is also accused of five crimes against humanity - murder, extermination, forcible transfer, torture and rape.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Assignments Due Week of October 19

Work Due

· Lyric Assignment
· Darfur webquest
* Urban legend


· Answer Questions to Night Take-home test
· Rewrite of Practice Test on the Death Penalty

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Assignments Due Week of October 12


· Night (pp 98-120)
· Answer questions based on Night reading (see below)
· Main idea (green and blue sheets). Type out. Find the main ideas by answering who? What? Where? When? Why? How? And then write the main idea.



No work due

Night (pp 98-120)
Directions: Please answer the questions in complete sentences. Use your own words, do not copy directly from the text. Type out your answers

What were Wiesel and others living on when traveling in the train?

On the bottom of page 100, why did Wiesel tell the Parisan women not to throw coins at the children?

Describe what happened between the father and son on page 101.

Did the doctors help Wiesel’s father when his was sick? Explain why or why not.

Explain the last paragraph on page 112. How did Wiesel feel after his father died?